JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Agency advises all victims of illegal investments, including the cases of Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan, to form groups or associations. So there is a data collection of losses experienced.

"To the victims, we recommend forming a community association. So don't take care of yourself. Then appoint their legal representatives and make an inventory of the investments they have made," said the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Investigation Officer, Komjen Agus Andrianto, to reporters, Thursday, March 10.

In that way, the chances of the victims to be able to get rights or return assets are greater.

The victims can jointly apply for the return of assets to the court. With a note when the case has been signed or has permanent legal force.

"Then the court's decision will be given and it will be decided later. Where will the money be given, if it is not confiscated by the state," said Agus.

This method will be more effective than just submitting the application alone. In fact, it is possible to create new problems.

"So I urge you to form an association, then make an inventory of the assets. Don't let anyone miss it because if it's too late, because if it's divided and there are still victims who haven't got it, it could be a problem later," said Agus

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