EJANG LEBONG - The Regional Inspectorate of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, is currently supervising the use of the COVID-19 handling budget sourced from village funds in this area.

Head of the Rejang Regency Regional Inspectorate Lebong Zulkarnain Harahap said the supervision of the use of the COVID-19 handling budget budgeted in the village fund (DD) was carried out so that it would not be misused considering the value was quite large.

"So we hope that each village government or village government does not play with the COVID-19 budget, because this has become a special concern and has become the attention of the central government," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

Zulkarnain explained that the preparation of the COVID-19 handling budget originating from the DD is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Permendes PDTT) No. 7/2021 concerning Priorities for Use of Village Funds in 2022 and Presidential Regulation No. 104/2021 concerning State Budget Details. 2022.

The Permendes PDTT states that 40 percent of village funds in 2022 are for direct cash assistance (BLT), 20 percent for food security programs, 8 percent for handling COVID-19, and 32 percent for physical development activities and community empowerment.

The budget allocation for handling COVID-19 in each village, he said, was large enough that each village had to use it for the benefit of the community and not misuse it.

According to him, no matter how small the budget sourced from village funds must be accounted for so that his party will continue to monitor its use. If any indication of abuse is found, it will be processed according to applicable law.

"This budget is intended for handling COVID-19. This budget is used as an effort to accelerate breaking the chain of COVID-19 spread and restore the community's economy," he said.

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