MAKASSAR - The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia does not want to respond to the discourse of delaying the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) because it has been determined together with the Indonesian House of Representatives and the Government.

"The election postponement is the domain of the MPR. The KPU has decided in the KPU's SK (Decree) dated February 14, 2024," said RI KPU member Viryan Azis after socializing the literacy of the PDBP mobile application Protect Your Rights and strengthening the capacity of institutions in dealing with elections at the KPU Office in South Sulawesi, Makassar, reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

As an election organizer, his party will continue to carry out their duties and responsibilities in running a democratic party after an agreement has been reached to determine the schedule for the 2024 general election.

"The Indonesian KPU is working to prepare for the 2024 General Election," said the former member of the West Kalimantan Provincial KPU, emphasizing.

When asked whether the KPU RI was disturbed by the discourse of postponing the election, he said that his party was still consistent in carrying out the agreement that had become a joint determination.

"The KPU is still preparing for the 2024 General Election. So, the KPU has already decided on the election date. So, all election management organs, including my presence here, are in the framework of preparing and running the 2024 Election," he said.

Previously, the discourse related to the postponement of the 2024 General Election became a public discussion after the General Chairperson of the PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar, proposed delaying the schedule for the 2024 General Election for 1 year or 2 years.

The proposal aims to prevent the momentum for economic improvement from being lost and the economy to freeze.

In line with Muhaimin Iskandar, the General Chair of the Golkar Party DPP Airlangga Hartarto and the General Chair of the PAN Zulkifli Hasan also supported the postponement of the 2024 General Election.

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