GARUT - A tanker ship that ran aground was suspected to be on the wrong track and then trapped by a rock so that it could not return to the middle of the ocean in the waters of Sancang, Cibalong District, Garut Regency, West Java.

The Head of Cibalong Police, AKP Saef Balya, said the ship was seen approaching the shoreline on Tuesday, March 8 at around 19.30 WIB and eventually got stuck. Until this afternoon the tanker has not been able to return to the middle of the ocean.

"Yes, it's still there, because it's a reef in that area," he said in Garut, Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

He said the tanker named Endricko 3 departed from Sibolga, North Sumatra to sail for asphalt in Cilacap, Central Java.

However, while sailing in the Indian Ocean, said Saef, the ship was suspected to have gone the wrong way and eventually ran aground in the waters of Sancang, Cibalong District.

"It's not a weather problem, it is suspected that it was the wrong route which eventually reached Garut waters where there are corals," he said.

He said the ship was carrying 15 crew, all of whom were safe and remained on board.

Officers in the field have asked the entire crew of the ship to go down to the mainland, but they chose to stay because there has been no order from the company where they work.

"They are all in safe condition, we have asked them to come down but they say they are waiting for an invitation from the company," he said.

He added that the condition of the ship that ran aground was far from residential areas, so it was not a spectacle for residents.

Joint officers, he said, remained on standby in the coastal area to monitor the condition of the ship and the entire crew who were still on board.

"Obviously our members have been alerted there to continue to monitor, so far they are in a conducive condition," he said.

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