JAKARTA - DS, an elementary school (SD) student who became a victim of sexual abuse, apparently also received death threats by the perpetrators if the victim did not serve the depraved desires of the alleged perpetrator, the bajaj driver. This was said by N, the victim's parents while imitating his daughter's words.

"He wanted to, he told me he was threatened by the perpetrator to be killed. He was lured by money," said N, the victim's parent, told reporters, Tuesday, March 8, evening.

From DS's confession to his parents, the perpetrators were considered his own parents.

"I know him, I already think of him as my own father. His job is a bajaj," said N, imitating the victim's words.

Even from the beginning when her parents asked her, the victim was reluctant to tell her mother honestly about the incident that happened to her.

"My son's confession at the hospital did not want to confess at first. So when I got home I asked who it was, with Dul, he said," he said.

N told the beginning of his suspicion of the victim. According to N, initially the baby was unable to menstruate and the shape of his stomach was also getting bigger.

"For how many months have I noticed that her stomach is getting bigger. As a parent, I took her to the health center to check that she was pregnant," said N.

Hearing the statement from the health center doctor, N did not easily believe it. The reason is, N assumes that his daughter is still a minor so it is impossible to get pregnant.

N then took the victim back to another doctor to confirm the condition of her baby's stomach.

"There were instructions, so I took them to another doctor to see if they were different or the same. It turned out to be the same. I took it to another clinic out of curiosity, but the answer was the same. Finally I took it to Ayan's mother, and the answer was the same," said N.

It was like being struck by lightning in the afternoon after hearing the same answer from three doctors, that her child was 5 months pregnant.

In fact, apart from the victim of DS, the perpetrator is also suspected of sexually harassing two other victims.

For further proceedings, perpetrator D was taken to the police station to undergo legal proceedings. The police also confiscated pillows and blankets as evidence. Three victims were also brought in for questioning.

Previously, it was reported that a middle-aged man with the initials D (53) did not move when he was caught by residents because he was caught molesting DS, a minor girl.

The perpetrator was arrested in the Pondok Bambu area, Duren Sawit sub-district, East Jakarta on Tuesday, March 8, evening.

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