MEDAN - A demonstration by students who are members of the Indonesian Muslim Student Action Union (KAMMI) Medan regarding Bobby Nasution's leadership at Medan City Hall, ended in chaos, Monday, March 7.

The Secretary of Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah of Medan, Hasanul Jihadi, responded to the chaos, who said that the demonstration did not reflect young Muslims. The demonstrators were seen as showing an arrogant attitude.

Hasanul Jihadi said the chaos during the demonstration was not appropriate as an example because it showed attitudes that did not reflect the intellectual youth of Islam.

"Protests are allowed and even protected by law. However, as Muslim youths and intellectuals, demonstrations should be delivered in a good way, in a way that deserves to be used as an example," said Hasanul Jihadi, Tuesday, March 8.

He said the action of students climbing the fence while shouting was inappropriate for Muslim youths. Moreover, intellectuals.

"That method is not the way of the Prophet," Hasanul explained.

In addition, he also highlighted the attitude of the masses of action when dealing with the Assistant for Government and Social Affairs at the Medan City Regional Secretariat, M Sofyan, who at that time accepted their aspirations.

"Their attitude towards the Assistant for Government and Social Affairs at the Medan City Regional Secretariat, who accepts and listens to their aspirations, is also very inappropriate. They speak with the impression of yelling at Mr. Sofyan in a high tone, that is inappropriate, especially if it is an old man. It does not reflect the Islamic youth who intellectual. It's not our culture," he continued.

Hasanul also questioned the motivation of the masses for the action, which seemed to force them to enter the city hall building. In fact, he said, the statement from Sofyan that said Mayor Bobby Nasution was holding a meeting was very clear.

"Mr. Sofyan's explanation regarding the mayor holding a meeting is very clear, why are the masses still forcing their way into the building, what is the motivation of the masses for the action to seem coercive?" he asked.

He said, as a guest, you must also have etiquette and ethics. As a Muslim youth and intellectual, he must prioritize etiquette and manners.

"As a guest, like a guest, you must prioritize ethics, etiquette and manners. That arrogance must be eliminated, don't show arrogance. As an intellectual, you don't deserve to be like that," he said.

In addition, Hasanul Jihadi also believes that Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution is very friendly and always participates in student organization group activities.

"As far as I know, the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution is very close to student organization groups, in fact he is always present at student activities. I'm also busy," he concluded.

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