JAKARTA - Adam Deni's attorney, Herwanto questioned the restorative justice program for Adam Deni in the case of the Electronic Information and Transactions Act. "What is the importance of this case going to court. If an apology is accepted, there is restorative justice. (restorative justice) that can be implemented," Herwanto said at the North Jakarta District Court, Monday, March 7. Herwanto reiterated the circular letter of the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the application of the ITE Law with number SE/2/11/2021 dated 19 February 2021 on Ethical Cultural Awareness to Create a Clean, Healthy and Productive Digital Space in Indonesia. "In a circular letter from the National Police Chief, if the perpetrator is aware and apologizes, he does not need to be detained anymore," he said.

Herwanto said Adam Deni had apologized through a video made at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police and the arrival of Adam's parents at Ahmad Sahroni's house. "If it is forgiven, the evidence will reach the court," he said. , although he has received an apology. Herwanto emphasized that the Adam Deni case is a legal lesson, because with the profession as an advocate, his party often makes legal reports to the police. Unlike the Adam Deni case, from the report to the delegation at trial it was quite fast. The North Jakarta District Court Panel of Judges postponed the inaugural trial for reading the indictment in the case of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE) with the defendant Adam Deni. March 2022," said the Chairman of the Panel of Judges, R. Rudi Kindarto at the North Jakarta District Court. The case for the ITE Law was registered with Case Number: 179/Pidsus/2022/PN.JKT.UTR with two defendants namely Adam Deni and Ni Made Dwita Anggari. Rudi explained that the reason for the postponement of the trial was because the public prosecutor from the North Jakarta District Attorney had not presented the defendants. In addition, Adam Deni's legal team was also asked to improve the completeness of the power of attorney file.

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