JAKARTA - The police reveal the motive behind the mutilation case of Rinaldi Harley Wismanu. The perpetrator is said to want to control the victim's property.

Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Nana Sudjana said the perpetrators knew Rinaldi was financially good. Because of this, the perpetrator plans to take control of the treasure by killing Rinaldi.

"For the modus operandi, they are acquainted and they know that the victim knows that he has finances and plans to kill the victim and take the victim's belongings. The motive is to control the victim's property," Nana told reporters, Thursday, September 17.

After killing and mutilating, the two perpetrators drained Rinaldi's ATM balance. Based on the account data, the money that was drained by the perpetrators was Rp. 97 million.

The perpetrators even used the money to buy several precious metals, motorbikes and rented houses.

"They drained the contents of the victim's account by buying precious metals of various sizes then gold jewelery, Yamaha NMax motorbikes and renting a house in Permata Cimanggis," he said.

The two perpetrators of the mutilation against Rinaldi Harley Wismanu were lovers, namely Laeli Atik Supriyatin and Djumadil Al Fajar. The two of them were arrested at their rented house in the Cimanggis area, Depok, West Java.

Victim Rinaldi Harley Wismanu was the manager of Human Resource and General Affairs of PT Jaya Obayashi. The victim's body in a suitcase was found in one of the Kalibata City Apartment units.

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