SOLO - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka was again exposed to COVID-19 for the second time after the first in July 2021. "Yes, he is positive," he said via short message in Solo, Monday, March 7. He admitted that he had been positive for COVID-19 since Friday March and currently undergoing self-isolation at the Loji Gandrung Mayor's Office House. Gibran himself was last seen at the office on Wednesday 2 March. Some of the agendas attended included mentoring activities for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the inauguration of CPNS to become ASN in the Surakarta City Government. including dispo (disposition) activities to us," he said when confirmed on Sunday evening, March 6, quoted by Antara. Then immediately PCR (swab test) at Loji Gandrung, "he said.

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