JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) statement in response to the proposed postponement of the 2024 General Election which was rolled out by political party elites a few days ago seemed anticlimactic.

In the past, when the issue of postponing the first election was rolled out at the end of 2019, Jokowi firmly said that it was as if he had slapped him in the face. Then when the issue rolls back now, Jokowi only calls himself submissive, obedient, and obedient to the constitution.

In fact, Jokowi stated that the proposed postponement of the 2024 General Election and the extension of the presidential term cannot be banned because it is part of democracy.

If Jokowi wants to show that he is consistent in his attitude of not wanting the election to be postponed, Jokowi must announce the date for the 2024 General Election which has been set on February 14, 2024.

Political communication observer from Paramadina University, Hendri Satrio, said that the announcement of the election date needs to be announced by Jokowi immediately so that the noise about the postponement of the election can be suppressed.

"Mr. Jokowi should just say that the election will be held on February 14, 2024. At least that will immediately ease these efforts," Hendri said on Sunday, March 6.

Because, according to Hendri, Jokowi's current statement is even softer than his previous statement.

"Yesterday, there was nothing, saying about 'slapping me in the face'. When it comes to obeying the constitution, the constitutional affairs are also finished if everything is amended. The president's firmness has not been seen until now," said Hendri.

Postponing elections betrays constitution

Constitutional Law expert from the Center for Law and Policy Studies (PSKH), Bivitri Susanti, views the suggestion that the 2024 elections be postponed by political elites betrays the constitution, in this case, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"This is an actual betrayal of the constitution. PSKH's friends say it is constitutional disobedience. I think I use a stronger word, true betrayal," Bivitri said.

According to Bivitri, the constitution is not just a text that is set and its content can be changed. Bivitri emphasized that the constitution is a limitation on the powers of state administrators.

She continued, holding elections every five years is a prerequisite for democracy. Because democracy requires leadership regeneration. This is in contrast to the issue of postponing the election accompanied by an extension of the president's term of office.

"Imagine if this is not refreshed. So, all the rules of the game, legal politics, and economic politics and so on will not change. Democracy will become stagnant and this is not desirable in a healthy democracy," said Bivitri.

"So, people who have discussed and supported constitutional changes should be ashamed to admit that they are statesmen. The heads of political parties should be ashamed because they have betrayed the idea of ​​constitutionalism," she added.

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