Spray Gun Romli Uploads Rizieq Shihab's Billboards Displayed In The Direction Of Qibla, Aziz Yanuar: Religious Expert? Know Also Don't Know!
Aziz Yanuar (Photo: Special)

JAKARTA - A sharp satire was made by one of Habib Rizieq Shihab's attorneys, Aziz Yanuar, to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist Mohamad Guntur Romli or Gun Romli.

This innuendo followed an upload on Gun Romli's Twitter account which showed a large billboard with Rizieq Shihab's face placed right in the direction of the Qibrat.

"Who is he? A religious expert, don't you know, we don't know religion yet, we don't know how to comment on that," said Aziz when confirmed by VOI, Friday, March 4.

Aziz calls such things as ruwaibidhah or people who are not smart but trusted and busy taking care of public affairs.

"We don't want to respond to ruwaibidhah, destroying the ruwaibidhah model of society," said Aziz.

The 9-second video uploaded by Gun Romli is installed exactly in the direction of the Qibla. Seen some people who pray facing the billboards. On the billboard, Habib Rizieq's face is seen smiling, wearing an all-white outfit complete with a turban.

Gun Romli Twitter screenshot

"This is called su'ul adab, put a photo in the direction of the Qibla of people who are praying. It feels like being worshiped. It will be damaged if you leave it like this. I don't know where & when. This is called a blind fanatic," said Gun Romli on Twitter @ Gun Romli quoted Friday, March 4.

This video has been watched thousands of times with traces of various comments from residents of the application bearing the blue bird symbol. "It's not wrong to say that you are a worshiper of billboards," quipped one netizen with the account @DenySibu****

"Hopefully you will wake up quickly and get His guidance," said another netizen.

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