JAKARTA - The results of the City Research Center (CRC) survey show that Bobby Nasution's electability sticks closely to Akhyar Nasution as a candidate for mayor of Medan. Akhyar's success team emphasized that they remain optimistic in winning Akhyar-Salman Alfarisi.

“The CRC photographed the September 7-11 survey. Akhyar's winning team is not yet working. This means that we are optimistic about the strategy we will use in the future, ”said the Akhyar-Salman winning team advisor, Burhanuddin Sitepu, when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, September 16.

This belief is also based on the existence of around 35 percent of CRC survey respondents who did not provide answers when presented with a choice between Akhyar and Bobby. Currently, Akhyar's winning team is recruiting volunteers who will move to Pikada Medan.

"The level that has not been answered is 35 percent, it is extraordinary. Moreover, now volunteers are like growing mushrooms in the rainy season. There are 180 people applying as volunteers, we are increasingly optimistic, "he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the results of the CRC survey which also showed that 65 percent of respondents were disappointed with the performance of Pemko Medan, Burhanuddin had an explanation.

According to him, the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic is an obstacle in budget allocation. The central government itself has ordered all local governments to refocus their budgets for priority handling of COVID-19.

"We see infrastructure refocusing on the budget. For example, the budget is intended for asphalting, road blockage, it was agreed that refocusing should only be used for maintenance because the budget is prioritized for overcoming COVID-19, "said Burhanuddin who is also the Chair of the Medan Democrats.

Previously, CRC Research Director, Ara Auza, in the presentation of the survey results, said that Medan residents were dissatisfied with the development of the city of Medan. The dissatisfaction was due to congestion, namely 28 percent of respondents, security and order (21 percent), and the high price of basic necessities, voiced by 20 percent of respondents.

"There are 64.25 percent of Medan residents who are dissatisfied with the performance of the Medan City Government," said Ara, Monday, September 14.

This survey also simultaneously measures the popularity and electability of two prospective Medan Pilkada candidates, namely Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman and Akhyar-Salman Alfarisi.

For the level of popularity, Akhyar Nasution is superior to Bobby. With details of Akhyar 98.25 percent and Bobby 97.25 percent.

"The electability level of the Akhyar-Salman candidate pair is superior with a percentage of 35.00 percent, while Bobby - Aulia is 29.25 percent," said Ara.

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