JAKARTA - Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi, explained that in the next five years Indonesia will be busy with various international diplomacy events. This is related to programs to increase Indonesia's contribution and leadership at the regional and world levels.

"The next five years will be a very busy year for Indonesian diplomacy. For 2020, Indonesia will still sit as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Meanwhile, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Indonesia will sit as a member of the UN Human Rights Council," he said. Retno at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 12.

For next year, Indonesia will host two international agendas. "In 2020, Indonesia will also hold a Halal Summit. In 2020, the Indo Pacific Infrastructure and Connectivity Forum will be held," he said.

Meanwhile, in 2023, Indonesia was elected as chair of ASEAN and the organizing chair of the G20 Summit. "So for 2023 Indonesia's foreign policy diplomacy will be quite busy. Because we are the chairman for two things, namely the chairman of Asean and the G20," he said.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Working Meeting with Commission I DPR (Mery / VOI)

Indonesia was elected as chairman of Asean with 174 votes. Meanwhile, the second position was Japan with 165 votes, as well as Korea with the same votes, namely 165. Meanwhile, Marshall Islands got 123 votes.

While the Group of Twenty (G20). That is the name of the informal organization which was coined in September 1999. At that time, the Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors of the Group of Seven (G7) countries announced their intention to form a broader economic and financial policy forum. The hope is to create a stable global economic growth.

There are basically no standard criteria used when determining members of the G-20. However, there is one understanding that is qualitative in nature. Member countries must have a systemic impact on the global economy. In addition, it must also be able to contribute to the world economy and financial stability.

Another consideration is regional representation which must also be balanced. As a result, 19 countries plus one state association (European Union) were elected as permanent members and are considered to be the largest number of associations most likely to be formed.

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