JAKARTA - Member of the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Mohammad Choirul Anam said that there was involvement of the Indonesian Army in the human cage case belonging to the inactive Langkat Regent. The Wind War Plan was published. "There are TNI personnel involved in this human cage case," said the member. Komnas HAM Mohammad Choirul Anam in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 2. To facilitate the disclosure of the case, Komnas HAM requested assistance and sent a letter to the Army Military Police Center (Puspomad) to follow up, explore, and investigate the involvement of the TNI personnel. In addition to coordinating with the TNI, Komnas HAM also did the same thing with the Regional Police (Polda) of North Sumatra in uncovering the case. In fact, said Anam, the death of the occupants of the cage was first known by Komnas HAM and the Polda of North Sumatra. At first, Komnas HAM only informed the public that there were more than one person died. From the start he was reluctant to mention the exact number because it could interfere with investigations by Komnas HAM and the North Sumatra Police.

In addition to coordinating with various agencies, Komnas HAM also monitors from social media, one of which is exploring life in the cage. The findings of the information collected by Komnas HAM, for example, were a visit by the family of the occupants which was uploaded in 2019. However, interestingly, from its search, Komnas HAM found someone who was dressed like a civil servant (PNS). Until now, he said, Komnas HAM had not found any additional information about the person wearing the civil servant uniform.

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