JAMBI - A joint team from the Kota Baru Police and the Jambi Police Satreskrim raided a cockfighting gambling arena on Jalan Penerangan, RT48, Bagan Pete Village, Jambi City. Unfortunately, there were no gamblers at the location of the case because it was suspected that the information had been leaked.

"The raid was around 20.30 WIB. However, unfortunately when the police officers arrived, the cockfighting arena was empty so our cockfighting location was damaged so that they no longer play here," said Kota Baru police chief Kompol Dhadhag Anindito in Jambi, Antara, Wednesday. , March 2.

He said that his party raided the place after receiving information from residents about the existence of a cockfighting gambling arena. Residents often convey to the neighborhood unit (RT) including the land owner but they get no response.

"When we raided, we didn't find any perpetrators, so we just set fire to the location so it can't be used again," said Dhadhag.

The police will take firm action against cockfighting gambling activities in the jurisdiction of the Kota Baru Police, and will not give space to perpetrators who dare to gamble in this area.

He added that Jambi City residents were disturbed by the existence of cockfighting gambling because it had a negative impact on residents, especially their children. They also asked the police to disband and close the cockfighting gambling activity.

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