JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Police suspect that Indra Kenz covered up the identity of the owner of the Binomo platform. The reason is that during the examination process, Indra Kenz always stated that he did not know the figure.

"Indra Kenz said he didn't know him. He covered it up," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, to reporters, Tuesday, March 1.

Indra Kenz's allegation was covered up because his confession of not knowing the person behind Binomo was very suspicious. In fact, Crazy Rich Medan got money from Binomo.

"Covering up, how does he receive money if he doesn't know. Indeed, money from the sky can make him rich," said Whisnu.

Therefore, Whisnu will continue to explore the figure behind Binomo. Because, it is believed that there are parties who are the masterminds of the crime.

"We will continue to explore who the players behind it are. So there is a name, there is another character behind it," said Whisnu.

Indra Kenz has been named a suspect in a suspected fraud case under the guise of Binomo binary options trading. The determination of the suspect is based on the results of the case title.

In this case, Indra Kenz is charged with Article 45 Paragraph 2 Juncto Article 27 Paragraph 2 of the ITE Law. Then Article 45 Paragraph 1 Juncto Article 28 Paragraph 1 UU ITE.

Then Article 3 Paragraph 3 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering, Article 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering. Furthermore, Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering and Article 378 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

With the alleged layered article, Indra Kenz is threatened with a 20-year prison sentence.

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