SEMARANG – The field of profession and security (Bidpropam) of the Central Java Regional Police conducted inspections at all Polres in Central Java. This activity was carried out to improve discipline and prevent violations by members of the police.
It was noted that during February 2022, Bidpropam conducted four inspections at the ranks of the regional police. Led directly by the Head of Propam and Propam of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. Mukiya, the team checked the Semarang Polrestabes, Sragen Police, Grobogan Police and Salatiga Police.
Head of Propam Polda Central Java Kombes Pol Mukiya explained, the checking activities were carried out randomly.
"We do it suddenly and without notification. This is to see firsthand the implementation of their duties in the field in real terms, whether it is in accordance with the rules that have been set," said the Head of Propam- tion, via a short message, Tuesday, March 1.

Mukiya also explained that when visiting the police station, the team checked the presence of members, attitude of members, checking evidence, completeness of personal data, tidiness, cleanliness, room and condition of prisoners, administration, guarding the command headquarters and conditions of the detention room.
"As was the case in Salatiga some time ago, the Bidpropam team examined the licenses for borrowing and using firearms by members, the administration of Mako guarding and checking the condition of the detention room," said Mukiya.
From these activities, the Head of Propam- ation got several findings, such as disorganized administration, personnel arriving late for service and the presence of untidy guard personnel.
"While the results of checking the detention room, in Salatiga we found 21 detainees exposed to COVID-19. For this reason, we have instructed that their health conditions be monitored and their recovery sought immediately," he said.
As for the CCTV installed at Mapolres and Mapolsek, Kabidpropam stated that the majority were in good condition and functioning well.
"We will compile and evaluate the findings at each Polres. Regarding members who are not present during office hours and other violations, they will be processed according to the applicable rules," he added.
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