JAKARTA - Korlantas Polri together with PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk held a socialization on the implementation of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) on the Jasa Marga Group Toll Road.

Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication and Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru explained that Jasa Marga supports the Korlantas Polri program related to the implementation of ETLE on toll roads which will be integrated through two systems managed by Jasa Marga.

The two systems are Speed Cameras on toll road sections for Over Speed violations and Weigh In Motion (WIM) on a number of bridges and special lanes on toll roads that function to monitor the load of passing vehicles in real time for Over Load violations.

"The integration of the ETLE system of the Korlantas Polri with Jasa Marga's Speed Cameras and WIM is in line with the second pillar in the General National Road Safety Plan (RUNK) namely "Safe Roads". This aims to create the safety of toll road users by reducing traffic violations that occur on toll roads, one of which is by taking legal action against motorists who are recorded by the Speed Camera and WIM," said Heru in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 1st.

Throughout 2021, Jasa Marga recorded 1,345 accidents that occurred on all Jasa Marga Group toll roads. The main cause of accidents, which is 82 percent, is the driver factor, followed by 17 percent of the vehicle factor and 1 percent of the environmental factor.

“For the driver factor, one of them is Over Speed, which is 42.9% of the total number of accidents. Not only because of Over Speed, the accident factor caused by the condition of the vehicle is also our focus in improving the safety and security of road users. We recorded as many as 1.68 million vehicles that did not meet the requirements/Over Load. This figure reaches 23.17 percent of the total 7.27 million vehicles detected during 2021," he continued.

Heru explained that Jasa Marga had installed 25 units of Speed Cameras (8 units in Greater Jakarta and Bandung, 16 units in Trans Java, and 1 unit outside Java) as well as the addition of 6 units from Korlantas in accident-prone locations on the Trans Java Toll Road, namely the Jakarta-Cikampek, Palimanan-Kanci, Batang-Semarang, Semarang-Solo, Solo-Ngawi and Ngawi-Kertosono toll roads).

"Meanwhile, for the installation of WIM by Jasa Marga, up to now, there are a total of 7 units installed on the Jagorawi Toll Road, JORR Section E, Jakarta-Tangerang, Padaleunyi, Semarang Section ABC, Ngawi-Kertosono and Surabaya-Gempol) which have been integrated beforehand. with the ETLE system of the Korlantas Polri," said Heru.

Director of Law Enforcement (Dirgakkum) Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Aan Suhanan said this collaboration would greatly assist the performance of the Police in enforcing the law against violations that often occur on toll roads.

“We are collaborating with Jasa Marga on this 44th anniversary to carry out IT-based law enforcement. Through IT-based law enforcement, there is no interaction between officers and drivers of violators, so this is expected to avoid conflicts between drivers and police officers," said Aan.

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