SERANG - Serang City Police are investigating the crime scene (TKP) related to a fire that occurred on Saturday, February 26, at around 19.30 WIB at the Secretariat Office of the Banten Province Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD), in the Banten Province Central Government Area (KP3B).

"We have asked for information from witnesses from the Banten Provincial DPRD Security," said Serang City Police Chief AKBP Maruli Achilles Hutapea, Sunday, February 27.

According to the testimony of a witness named Wahyu, as the local security guard, when he was in control of the DPRD building, a puff of smoke was seen from the 2nd floor of the Banten Provincial DPRD building.

"Then Wahyu called Hikmat and Rizal (his partner) to look for the source of the smoke. After searching, finally it was found that the source of the fire was suspected to be from the waiting room of the chairman of the Banten Provincial DPRD," said Maruli Achilles Hutapea.

"After finding the source of the fire, then looking for extinguishers around the room to extinguish it. About 30 to 40 minutes the Pamdal extinguished it and then made sure there was no fire," he explained.

At around 20.15 WIB, the Banten Province fire brigade team arrived at the location to extinguish and cool the room. At 21.00 WIB the fire can be extinguished

"Thank God, at 21.00 WIB the fire was extinguished. As a result of this incident the waiting room for the Chairperson of the Banten Provincial DPRD was seriously damaged, with total material losses. The loss is estimated to be around Rp. 160 million rupiah, but there were no casualties in the incident," concluded Maruli.

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