LEBAK - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency, Banten Province is ready to relocate the Curugpanjang community in Cikulur District who were affected by the land movement disaster. Rizky Pratama, quoted from Antara, Sunday 27 February.

The Lebak Regency Government, he said, was committed to helping communities affected by the land movement disaster in Curugpanjang, Cikulur District.

Currently, he said, local people are afraid that their houses will collapse and hit their owners, because every day there is movement of the ground, especially heavy rainfall. The local government provides the right solution for relocating and the community has agreed to accept the relocation. In fact, the land owned by the Curugpanjang community is willing to be exchanged for the land where the relocation is located.

Moreover, they are now living in refugee camps and live uncomfortably. "We will immediately relocate the residents' houses, especially before Ramadan and Eid," he said.

The construction of the simple instant house, he said, is very feasible so that the lives of the residents are more prosperous in the relocation area. "We guarantee that the location of the relocated land is safe from the threat of natural disasters," said Febby Rizky Pratama.

The head of the Tagana Volunteer in Lebak Regency, Iwan Hermansyah, said that his party is currently rebuilding the evacuation tents, because the capacity of the three existing tents is still insufficient to accommodate the community. rice and side dishes so that refugees don't go hungry," he said.

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