JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police uncovered a case of hoarding 26 tons of cooking oil in trucks and pickup trucks.

The South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto, said eight perpetrators had been arrested so far.

“We formed a special team that we assigned to investigate why this cooking oil is so scarce. (As a result) we found 26 tons,” Budhi told reporters at the South Jakarta Police, Friday, February 25.

"This is indeed a premium cooking oil that we know based on the Minister of Trade's price, the highest retail price is 14 thousand," he continued.

Budhi said the perpetrators sold much higher than the market price. They are suspected of stockpiling oil since January 2022.

“Up to the downstream, they have reached 17,000. We get information that they sell 12,500, then from the producers down they sell for Rp. 13 thousand," he said.

Budhi said the stockpiled cooking oil would be distributed to the Jakarta and Tangerang areas.

"(Sell) in the Daan Mogot area, Tangerang, and they sell it not to distributors or traders," he said.

Regarding the criminal allegations, Budhi said that his party was still investigating. Meanwhile, they are still witnesses.

"Currently, we are examining his status as a witness for us to investigate. Is there any suspicion of criminal acts in this incident?

Budhi also explained that so far the eight arrested perpetrators were found to have committed violations for selling cooking oil above the highest retail price (HET).

“The offense is selling above the highest retail price. If we refer to Permendag No. 6 of 2022, yes, it is an administrative sanction threat. Of course, we will hand it over to the competent authority to impose the sanctions," he said.

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