SOLO - A resident of Solo, Partika Subagyo Lelono, took a single action to voice humanitarian peace against war to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Partika Subagyo Lelono, who is also a retired Army (AD) soldier, took the action by bringing a small child to voice humanity to stop the war.

The action was held in front of the Bung Karno Monument, Plaza Manahan, Solo, Central Java, Friday, February 25. Subagyo said that he had no right to interfere in the affairs of foreign countries, but in the name of humanity and independence to stop war.

The humanitarian peace action for the world carried a red and white flag and a poster that read "Stop War". Subagyo walked with a small child in the Bung Karno Statue area, Manahan Plaza, Solo.

Subagyo explained that he had deliberately brought a small child as a symbol that war also brought victims of small children. "I deliberately brought small children in this action. Because war will have a bad impact, especially for children. Because they don't know anything, they are still innocent. So stop the war," he said at the location quoted by Antara.

"I deliberately did this for the people to remain united in calling for an end to the war, which is currently taking place in the confrontation between the Ukraine and Russia in the last few days. I will continue to speak out in the name of humanity and hope that the country's top brass will stop the war," he said.

Meanwhile, here is a summary of the latest news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday vowed to remain in Kiev as his troops battled Russian troops advancing on the capital.

In addition, Russian troops have seized the former Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the route between Belarus and Kiev, a Ukrainian presidential adviser said.

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