CIAMIS - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has demanded a 10-year prison sentence for the defendant M Kece related to the blasphemy case at the Ciamis District Court, West Java.

The head of the Public Prosecutor's Office team from the Attorney General's Office, Syahnan Tanjung, said that the demands against M Kece were in accordance with Article 14 Paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 1 Year 1946 regarding criminal law regulations in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph 1.

"The defendant Mohamad Kosman, alias Mohamad Kece, alias Mohamad Kace, alias Mohamad Kosman bin Sueb has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, reduced to as long as the defendant is in detention," said Syahnan during the reading of the charges at the trial, Antara, Thursday, February 24.

The trial for reading the demands of the defendant M Kece was 1,096 pages which took place from 09.00 WIB to 18.00 WIB with the result of the verdict being charged against the defendant for 10 years in prison.

"Today we are carrying out the prosecution from 9 (morning) to 6 Maghrib (approximately 9 hours, ed) Thank God, from 1,096 pages, we finished well with a maximum demand of 10 years," he said.

He conveyed that the maximum charge was taken from the article with the highest penalty, while the other articles charged against the defendant were much lower, namely two to three years in prison. "The article below it is below that, the highest is Article 14 paragraph 1, the law stipulates that the maximum is," he said.

He explained that the reason for the maximum charge was due to the facts at trial that the defendant did this intentionally and knowingly. In fact, it should not do things that make a commotion in the community.

The defendant's actions, he said, were actually doing what he wanted to create a commotion by making videos about a large number of lies.

"It's amazing how many 100 points we got from the seven videos, actually there are still many videos," he said.

He conveyed that the maximum demand was not an element of hatred but to be a lesson for others that such actions violated the law and would trigger inter-religious conflicts.

According to him, the police's actions were appropriate, they quickly took action against the accused and then proceeded with the law and must be held accountable for their actions.

"This is outrageous so it is natural for him that there is no excuse that can be forgiven," he said.

The defendant's attorney, Kamarudin Simanjuntak stated that the prosecutor should consider other things that could lighten the sentence for the defendant, especially since the defendant had already submitted an apology.

He revealed that apart from apologizing, the defendant was never convicted or entangled in criminal law, then during the trial he behaved politely which could ease the defendant's sentence.

"This Kece has never been convicted, the name of a person who has never been convicted or sentenced is a mitigating factor, this defendant always behaves politely and politely during the trial, which is a mitigating thing," he said.

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