PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra (Sumsel) Regional Police (Polda) is investigating a case report of the alleged beating of a police officer by a group of men in Palembang.

The alleged beating was recorded in a 59-second video that has been widely distributed on the Instagram social media network since Tuesday, February 22.

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Supriadi, said that previously it was known from the reports that the police personnel had the initials Brigadier R (26) who served at the Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Police Station (PALI). He reported to the South Sumatra Police that he had been the victim of a beating on Tuesday, February 22.

The alleged beating was experienced by Brigadier R on Monday, February 21 afternoon at around 15.00 WIB, in one of the malls on Jalan POM IX, Palembang.

According to Supriadi, based on the report of Brigadier R, the group of men who beat him, the suspect is a debt collector regarding motor vehicle loans.

"The completeness of the elements of the report is still being investigated. So if the fault lies with the person concerned, he must be held accountable. However, if incitement is found and so on, of course, it will be processed according to Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding beatings," Supriadi said in Palembang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 24.

Supriadi explained, on the other hand, it is quite unfortunate if the alleged case of beatings actually occurred related to motor vehicle loans. Because based on the rules, he said, the party that has the authority to be able to withdraw the vehicle from the debtor is a leasing (credit-giving institution). court.

"Rules related to this have been regulated in a guarantee called fiduciary. Where after there is a court decision, the vehicle can then be withdrawn from the person concerned," he said again.

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