JAKARTA - Investigators at the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the Jakarta Police have scheduled a further investigation of Hadi Pranoto next week. Hadi will undergo further examination as a suspect in the spread of hoaxes about the herbal medicine COVID-19.

"It is planned that on the 23rd or 24th (September) at the latest we will send a letter (summons for inspection) and plan to be here again," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, September 14.

By having scheduled the follow-up examination, Hadi was asked to cooperate with him to attend. That way, the process of investigating the case can be completed and the investigator can determine the next legal step.

"We ask that it be resolved, and hopefully we concerned can come here for an examination," he said.

Investigators previously decided to postpone the investigation of Hadi which took place on Tuesday, September 8. At that time, Hadi admitted that he was not in good health.

Hadi Pranoto admitted that he was not feeling well after the examination lasted for about seven hours. The investigator granted the request so that the examination was postponed.

Postponement of examining Hadi due to health reasons is not the first time. During the previous examination on Monday, August 24, Hadi used a similar excuse to postpone the examination. Hadi said that his condition had not fully recovered because he had previously been hospitalized.

Hadi Pranoto was reported to Polda Metro Jaya by the General Chairperson of Cyber Indonesia, Muannas Alaidid, because he was considered to be spreading false news about the claim of the COVID-19 antibody herbal medicine.

In this case, the police will apply Article 28 in conjunction with Article 45A of the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law. This case began when Hadi Pranoto and Anji discussed the COVID-19 issue and uploaded it to YouTube. In the conversation, Hadi said that he had found a COVID-19 antibody herbal medicine.

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