JAKARTA - The police have received information that the perpetrator of the stabbing of Sheikh Ali Jaber, namely Alpin Andrian alias AA, has a mental disorder. This is based on the recognition of the perpetrator's family of choice.

"Information from his parents shows that he (the perpetrator) is experiencing stress and is mentally disturbed," said Kapolrestabes Bandar Lampung Kombes Yan Budi Jaya to VOI, Monday, September 14.

The family of the perpetrator also said that Alpin had mental disorders four years ago. But not explained in detail about the initial cause.

The police also suspected that the perpetrator had a mental disorder. Because at the time of the examination, the information was always changing.

"Yes, until now it has always been changing, but we will explore what the real motive is. Since 2016 the family has experienced mental disorders," said Yan Budi.

To ensure that the perpetrator is really experiencing mental disorders or is just pretending, continued Yan Budi, his party will carry out a series of examinations. Later, the examination will involve doctors from the South Sumatra Regional Police.

"Yes, we will try to coordinate with the hospital and Biddokes Polda today," he said.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Ali Jaber was stabbed by Alpin during an activity at the Falahuddin Mosque, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung City. Sheikh Ali Jaber was injured in his right hand which later received 10 stitches.

The stabbing took place when Sheikh Ali Jaber explained the content in the Al-Fatihan letter to the congregation. There, Sheikh Ali Jaber asked if there were any children who could read Al-Fatihan letter correctly.

Then there was one child who turned out to be able to read Al-Fatihan letter correctly. Sheikh Ali Jaber also called his son and mother to the stage. When the mother and child were on the stage, suddenly the perpetrator went up on the stage and stabbed Sheikh Ali Jaber.

Until finally, the congregation and officers who were around the location were ignoring the stabbing perpetrator. Currently, AA is still undergoing an intentional examination at the Bandar Lampung Police.

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