BATAM - Officials from the Batam Type B Customs and Excise Main Service Office thwarted the delivery of a 26 gram package of marijuana that was tucked into a carburetor.

"This time the mode used is to insert 26 grams of marijuana in a carburetor. The package will be sent from Batam to Jakarta," said Head of Information Services Section of the Customs and Excise KPU Batam Undani in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 22. .

The goods inspector at the Batam Customs Office suspected the package addressed to P at Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, when checking through an x-ray machine at a temporary storage area.

The Batam Customs Sniffing Dog Team also tracked the package which was written "parts".

"The Batam Customs Tracking Dog responded when checking the package, then a more in-depth inspection was carried out with the goods authority by opening the contents," said Undani.

When opened, officers found the vehicle's carburetor inserted with 26 grams of dry green leaves suspected of being marijuana/marijuana.

"To ensure that the dried leaves were tested, the drug test E was carried out and a purple color was produced, which means the dried leaves were positive for marijuana," he said.

The evidence has now been handed over to the Riau Islands Regional Police for further processing.

Undani stated that the marijuana smuggling effort could be charged with Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics Article 114 paragraph (2) and/or Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) with a death penalty/life imprisonment. or a minimum of 6 years and a maximum of 20 years, and a maximum fine of IDR 10,000,000,000.

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