BATANG - Hundreds of truck drivers closed the north coast road (blockade) of Batang Regency, Central Java, to reject the revision of Law Number 22/2009 concerning Road Transport Traffic (LLAJ) which regulates the responsibilities of heavy vehicle service users that have dimensions and loads of excess (overloading). dimension over loading/ODOL), Tuesday, February 22. The road closure resulted in traffic jams starting from the north coast lane in Banyuputih to Subah District or more than one kilometer. Traffic by diverting the speed of vehicles from the west (Pekalongan) via the Kandeman toll exit route, while from the east it is diverted through the Weleri toll exit. The head of the Batang Polres, AKBP Mohamad Irwan Susanto, said that the road closures in the north coast carried out by the Batang Truck Association only limited to spontaneous actions that have been coordinated from Semarang.

"Then, we communicated with the trucking community so that one representative of the truck driver met with the Batang Transportation Service and the other with the local Polres Traffic Unit. What is clear is that we first follow the submission of the pollsters," he said. "It does not interfere with the flow of vehicle traffic on the northern coast road. "There is indeed a traffic jam of up to 1 kilometer, namely between the border of the northern coast of Banyuputih to Subah. The bottom line is that truck drivers reject the legal policy of over dimension over loading," he said. The truck driver, Safrudin (50), said they closed the north coast road as a form of solidarity with the drivers who took similar actions in Surabaya and Jakarta. "The action was spontaneous without any coordination. We only demand that the government no longer has a problem with trucks that have more dimensions and loads," he said.

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