MEDAN - A semi-permanent house unit in Rondaman Dolok Village, Portibi District, North Padanglawas Regency (Paluta), North Sumatra, caught fire. The fire killed 4 children of the owner of the house.

The head of the Padang Bolak Police, AKP Zulfikar, said that the house that caught fire belonged to Darwin Ritonga (46). Meanwhile, the four children who were victims were Aisyah Ritonga (15), Dian Ritonga (8), Madan Ritonga (4) and Ayu Ritonga (8).

AKP Zulfikar explained that the fire occurred when the victim's parents were not at home. explained AKP Zulfikar, Monday, February 21.

At the time of the incident, the four victims were fast asleep in one room. The first fire was known by the public who saw the fire had started to grow.

"People are trying to help the victims, but the fire has grown and people are trying to put out the fire with makeshift equipment," he said.

The fire was extinguished around 00.00 WIB Monday morning. To extinguish the fire, 3 units of fire engines were deployed.

"The fire is suspected to have been caused by an electrical short circuit coming from the kitchen of the house," AKP Zulfikar.

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