JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) inaugurated 55 new prosecutors today, Monday, February 21. All of those appointed have gone through the recruitment and selection process as KPK employees.

"This inauguration has gone through a recruitment and selection process as KPK employees according to the needs and competency standards to carry out their duties later," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri in a written statement, Monday, February 21.

Actually, continued Ali, there were 61 prosecutors who were declared to have passed the selection to join the KPK. However, they have been accepted and appointed as prosecutors in a special unit at the Attorney General's Office.

"Six other people have been accepted and appointed as prosecutors in the Special Task Force for Handling and Settlement of Corruption Cases at the Attorney General's Office," he said. The KPK appreciates the steps taken by the Attorney General's Office for sending its best prosecutors to join.

"This inauguration is part of the synergy between APH in law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption," said Ali.

"KPK appreciates the Indonesian Attorney's Office for sending their best sons and daughters to join the KPK in carrying out the task of eradicating corruption," he concluded.

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