JAKARTA - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) intellectual Syafiq Hasyim assessed that Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's controversial lecture on the destruction of wayang to his congregation was similar to the actions of the Taliban ruler, ISIS in Afghanistan, who destroyed historical heritage statues from non-Muslim groups.

During their reign in Afghanistan, the Taliban have destroyed at least 70 percent of hundreds of thousands of historical relics, including the remains of Bamiya Buddhism, which are an important part of Afghanistan's past. Khalid Basalamah's thinking is not much different from this kind of action.

"Basalamah's perspective on wayang is also the same. If you look at it from a political perspective, Khalid's thoughts have the same perspective as I said earlier (the Taliban and ISIS). Even though the theological background could be different," explained Syafiq Hasyim via the Youtube channel. CokroTV was reported by VOI, Monday, February 21.

For Syafiq, the Taliban group belongs to the Hanafi School, while Khalid Basalamah claims that he does not live within the framework of a certain school of thought. Khalid, continued Syafiq, more often identifies himself as following the pure Al-Qur'an and Sunnah.

It is true that Khalid Basalamah has not burned nor destroyed the puppets. However, it is conceivable if a person like Khalid becomes part of the power or a leader. His thoughts can be channeled to the authorities to be implemented.

"Frankly, I am surprised by people who think like Khalid Basalamah. Even though the country that has been their mecca for Islam, Saudi Arabia, is now continuing to make changes and trying to live in an international order that is open and non-discriminatory, but is someone like Khalid? Basalamah remains narrow-minded and anti-local history and traditions," Syafiq quipped.

According to Syafiq, Khalid's da'wah did not come from a background due to economics or social class marginalization, but rather from ideology. It's not just puppets, Khalid has had the same thought several times, such as not being allowed to salute the Red and White flag or sing the anthem Indonesia Raya.

In the Indonesian context, it is very difficult to deal with people like Khalid because it is impossible to deal with a security approach. It is also impossible if left alone there should be a counter discourse.

"We have to understand that Khalid Basalamah is carrying out a mission to purify Islam in Indonesia which is seen as having to be straightened out. Khalid Basalamah is carrying out a war of thought, therefore I think things like this are not driven by economic and political motivations but are driven by the way of thinking and ideology that he really believes in. that the correct Islamic political system for him is a purely sharia-based political system."

"Things that are contrary to the Shari'a must be destroyed. In this position it is exactly like the Taliban," he said.

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