PASER - A total of 355 social organizations (ormas) registered with the National Unity and Political Agency (Kesbangpol) of Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, apparently only 45 are still active.

"Ormas that are inactive are expected to have their status renewed," said Head of Domestic Politics of Kesbangpol Paser Hatono in Paser, Antara, Friday, 22

Kesbangpol Paser is ready to help assist in registering the existence of the organization so that it has legality. Because the freedom to assemble, organize and express opinions is protected by law.

"The constitution gives everyone the right to form mass organizations as a forum to gather and express opinions," he said.

However, he continued, demands for information disclosure, the public has the right to know about the existence of existing organizations.

"Freedom to organize and express opinions is of course also in line with the disclosure of information about the mass organizations themselves. The public has the right to know, for example, what mass organizations are doing. This is our job in the government to facilitate that," said Hartono.

He hopes that the existence of mass organizations can help the government in the succession of regional development and improve the welfare of the community.

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