JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) now has a hymn and march which was just released on Thursday, February 17th. However, this hymn and march became a polemic because its creator was Ardina Safitri, who is the wife of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri.

Through his Twitter account, former KPK investigator, Aulia Postiera said Firli would release the KPK hymn and march that his wife created. In addition, an award will be given to Ardina as the songwriter.

"The chairman of @KPK_RI is extraordinary. After going viral by cooking fried rice & riding a helicopter, today Firli released the song Hymn and Mars KPK created by his wife, then gave an award to his wife," he said as quoted from the @paijodirajo account on Thursday, 17 February.

"This is really the best achievement. How about it, guys? Do you agree?" he added.

Apart from Aulia, a number of parties reacted to the release of the hymn and march. One of them, the Chairman of IM57+ Institute, M Praswad Nugraha, reminded Firli that the KPK is not a family company.

Not only that, he admitted that he couldn't understand the release of the hymn and march made by Firli's wife. Moreover, Praswad considers the eradication of corruption to be unnecessary.

"KPK is not a family company," said Praswad in a written statement.

"Frankly, I'm at a loss for words over the actions of the KPK chairman in choosing his wife's song to be the KPK hymn," he said.

The spotlight also came from Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW). ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana questioned how the process of appointing Ardina as the creator of the KPK hymn and march was.

"Regarding the creator of the KPK march and hymn, how was the process of appointing sister Ardina Safitri so that she was chosen to make it? This question arises considering that sister Ardina Safitri is Firli Bahuri's wife," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters, Thursday, February 17.

Kurnia said that if there was no clarity regarding the appointment process, then naturally, the public would suspect that there was a conflict of interest in the creation of the KPK march and hymn. In fact, this kind of thing should be avoided.

Firli, continued Kurnia, must also understand that the institution she leads does not belong to her or her family. Because, the KPK moves with the state budget.

"ICW emphasizes to Firli that he understands that the KPK is a state institution funded by the state budget and wholly owned by all Indonesians," said the anti-corruption activist.

"So, don't ever assume: because he is the chairman of the KPK, the anti-corruption agency belongs to him or his family," added Kurnia.

The various negative views about the KPK hymn and march created by Firli Bahuri's wife were then responded to by the Deputy Chair of the KPK, Alexander Marwata.

He said Firli Bahuri's wife was able to compose songs and wanted to contribute to efforts to eradicate corruption. Therefore, the KPK uses his work to increase morale.

"Incidentally there is a mother, who happens to be the wife of the Chair of the KPK, yes. His wife is the Chair of the KPK, his wife, Mr. Firli, Mrs. Dina has the ability to compose songs and arrange them, and this is not the first or second song," said Alexander in a press conference broadcast on the KPK YouTube. RI.

"Previously, he had composed a song and he donated the marching song to the KPK and coincidentally it was also good," he added.

For this reason, Alexander feels that there is nothing wrong if a citizen like Ardina donates his work to the KPK. Moreover, since its establishment, the anti-corruption commission has not had a hymn or march like other government agencies.

"Almost 20 years, yes, for 18 years we (KPK was founded, ed) have not had any marches or hymns," he said.

Moreover, Alexander said that the hymn and march created by Ardina could raise the spirit of eradicating corruption among KPK personnel. Not only that, Firli's wife gave her work for free to the anti-corruption commission.

"Is there something wrong? If I have the ability, I will make it. If my wife can have the ability to compose songs, I will propose it. This happens to be the wife of the Chair of the KPK, she wants to contribute to the KPK by making marches and hymns," he explained.

He also considered that there was no conflict of interest from using Ardina's work as a KPK march and hymn. "Isn't that a good thing when there are citizens who want to be involved in eradicating corruption by making songs that can strengthen the spirit of KPK employees to eradicate corruption," concluded Alexander.

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