JAKARTA - Wardaniman Larosa, a member of Indra Kenz's legal team, was reported in a case of alleged investment fraud under the guise of the Binomo binary options trading application, ensuring that his client will cooperate in dealing with the case being handled by the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency. Indra certainly did not run away.

According to Warda, his client is currently in Turkey for treatment and will return to Indonesia. He also promised Indra that he would not destroy the evidence.

“Our clients never try to run away. He had stated from the start that he was indeed sick. He updates his status on social media. That means he did not run away and did not cover up the issue," said Wardaniman, in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, February 17, as reported by Antara.

Warda admitted that his client had informed investigators regarding his client's presence abroad for medical treatment, and confirmed that he would fulfill the investigator's summons for an examination.

"Our client is undergoing medical treatment in Turkey. We have conveyed this to investigators. Our client, Indra is still cooperative and will undergo examination in the future," he said.

According to him, Indra Kenz as a citizen still has the right to seek treatment abroad. The schedule for medical treatment in Turkey had been scheduled long before the investigator's summons was sent.

Warda said there was no ban on going abroad, because the case was still under investigation.

"He deserves medical treatment. There are no restrictions on going abroad, so far," he said.

Warda also said that the case against his client at the North Sumatra Regional Police (North Sumatra) had been terminated. The influencer or affiliate has no longer undergone examination at the North Sumatra Police Headquarters since 2020.

"Based on the information we obtained from our client Indra Kenz that the case has been terminated at the investigation level," he said.

The termination of the case is stated in the Decision Letter Number: S.TAP/K/33/65/X/2020/Ditreskrimsus concerning Termination of Investigation, dated October 19, 2020. The letter was issued by the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the North Sumatra Police.

He said the second summons to his client was delivered in 2020. While the third summons was in 2022. The time span between the second and third calls which was so far was considered unreasonable.

However, Warda confirmed that Indra Kenz would cooperate if the North Sumatra Police made a call.

Currently, Indra Kenz has the status of being reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on suspicion of Binary Options fraud. Warda ensured that Indra Kenz would cooperate in carrying out the examination, because his client was still a witness and reported.

"We are still cooperative in undergoing the examination at the Police Headquarters," he said.

Meanwhile, Indra Kenz also reported one of the victims of Binomo to the Polda Metro Jaya. The case has been withdrawn by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

The alleged fraud victim Indra Kenz also wants to report other influencers. The victim mentioned that the affiliates and influencers who promote the Binary Option platform are not just Indra Kenz. A number of other influencers' names were also mentioned and some of them have even been reported as victims.

Investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Bareskrim have scheduled an examination of Indra Kenz, on Friday (18/2) tomorrow, at 10.00 WIB.

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