BANDUNG - The West Java Provincial Government through the Office of Settlement and Housing (Diskimrum) of the West Awa Province (Jabar) accommodated the proposed strategic issues of priority activities from representatives of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) in 27 districts/cities. The Settlement and Housing Service, which was attended by representatives of the housing and settlement OPD from 27 regencies/cities, was carried out in a hybrid manner from Wednesday (16/2) yesterday to Friday (18/2) tomorrow," said Head of the West Java Settlement and Housing Service Boy Iman Nugraha in Bandung. , Thursday, February 17. Boy said the forum discussed strategic issues of priority activities of district/city governments to be proposed into the provincial budget for fiscal year 2023. Boy also explained that the output of this activity was in the form of a list of proposed programs and activities in the housing and settlement sector in West Java that will be implemented in 2023. Each district/city government in West Java proposes its priority programs to be implemented document.

This planning document, said Boy, will later be brought to the West Java development planning deliberation (Musrenbang) as an illustration of the implementation of housing and settlement development in West Java in 2023. implementation of housing and settlement development in West Java in 2023," said Boy. In addition, this forum is also a coordination step regarding the implementation of activities, especially basic services on a concurrent basis based on central, provincial and district/city authorities. activities in the context of handling poverty and social welfare problems in the context of financial assistance and competitive grants," he said. Boy hopes that the West Java Settlement and Housing Agency Forum will be able to produce careful planning to improve service performance, especially the development of decent and equitable settlement infrastructure. for all West Java people. This forum is also to synergize with each other in implementing the authority of regional government affairs in accordance with Law Number 23 of 2014 and Permendagri 90 of 2020. As well as simplifying the bureaucracy that has resulted in changes to the organizational structure of work procedures for housing and settlement areas, public works and spatial planning, as well as land affairs. In this activity, discussions were also held with a number of resource persons and listening to directions from the Regional Secretary of the West Java Provincial Government, Setiawan Wangsaatmaja. Ardian Daniswara, Head of Region II Executive Tedi Achmad Bahtiar, Chair of the West Java AKPPI Encep Marsadi, Professor of the ITB School of Architecture Haryo Winarso, Director of Housing Financing BP Tapera Sri Purwanto. The event was also attended by representatives of the central government, provincial governments, district governments ten/city, academics, practitioners and community representatives in housing and settlements in West Java.

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