BATURAJA - The joint SAR team found the body of Cintika Sari (14), a resident of Pengaringan Village, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra, which was reportedly swept away by the current of the Ogan River since Wednesday, February 16 afternoon.

Cintika's body was found today floating in a state of death.

"We managed to find the victim. However, he is dead," said Head of the Palembang Search and Rescue (SAR) Office Hery Marantika in Baturaja, OKU, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

In the search, his party deployed dozens of personnel using rubber boats down the Ogan River, focusing on the point where the victim first drowned.

However, on the first day of the search, the SAR Team encountered problems with weather conditions and the situation at night, making it difficult to find victims.

"The search continues today. Thanks to the hard work of the officers, assisted by the local community, the victim was finally found," he said.

The victim's body was found floating on the bank of the Ogan River in a state of death as far as 2.5 km from the initial location of the missing victim.

"The victim has been evacuated and now the body has been handed over to the family for burial," he said.

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