TANGERANG - The action of a man mocking or insulting the community organization (ormas) Pemuda Pancasila (PP) on social media went viral. The man's video was uploaded to the TikTok account @Median_Manaru.
In the 50-second video, as seen by VOI on Thursday, January 17th, the man said that the PP organization was a group that could only yell, park and get drunk (3M). The man also said that PP was struggling to find rice wrap.
“Besides that, he also said that the PP Ormas are moving to look for packaged rice, Motto: where there is a celebration, we are there, don't be slack. Prioritize 3M, Malak, Markir, Mabok. It's not me, sir, there's a name.. TNI maintains sovereignty and NKRI protects the people….** guards the Alfamart and Indomaret borders. Practice like Kopasus, move around looking for packed rice, the spirit of fighters is 2,000," said Median in the video.
After that incident, it went viral soon after. Circulating again on social media, the Twitter account @txt from people in uniform showing an apology from the offending man.
"My signed statement below is Median Manaru with a video circulating that I made related to insulting or offending PP which went viral on social media, with a narrative where there was a celebration where we were the main 3M (malak, markir, drunk) guarding the borders of Alfamart and Indomart , practicing like a Kopasus moving in search of rice wrap, 2 thousand fighters. For this stupid act, I apologize for the act to the Pancasila youth community organization. I promise I will not repeat the offense against ORMAS PP and other Ormas, if I repeat it again, I am ready to be processed by the applicable law, "
Contacted separately, the Tangerang Regency Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho, confirmed the existence of the apology video. The incident occurred at Tigaraksa Police on Tuesday, February 15 evening.
"That the matter has been resolved amicably between the two parties and a statement has been made," said Zain Thursday, February 17.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of MPC PP explained the purpose of Median to make the video because he only wanted to go viral on social media.
“Usually, on a whim. Let it go viral on social media," said Zulkarnaen when contacted, Thursday, February 17.
He also said that if his party and Median had resolved the case amicably.
"He turned himself in at the police station (Tigaraksa), we ask for more advice. There's no point in doing that. Yes, he has made a statement, he admits he made a mistake," he said.
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