JAKARTA - The plan to relocate Pasar Rembang, Central Java, continues to attract protests, especially from market traders. Today, Wednesday, February 16, the Rembang Market Traders Association (P3R) met a number of political party factions in the DPR RI.

After meeting the PKB Faction, the representatives of the traders were received by the United Development Party (PPP) Faction at the PPP DPP office, Jakarta.

The Secretary General of PPP who is also a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the Central Java Region III Arwani Thomafi ensured that he would follow up on traders' complaints. In the near future, Arwani will invite Rembang Regent Abdul Hafidz. As we know, Abdul Hafidz is a PPP cadre.

"I will follow up by inviting the Regent in an official forum, to check the stages that have been passed," said Arwani in a written statement.

The P3R audience at the PPP DPP office was accompanied by the Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi. Burhanuddin has an emotional affinity with Pasar Rembang. The reason is that Burhanuddin's late father was the chairman of P3R.

Regarding the relocation location, Arwani assessed that the relocation should be carried out to the south, not to the Goat Market. Therefore, he immediately communicated with the Regent of Rembang to follow up on the requests of market traders.

"I will remind him of the complaints of the father and mother (traders of Pasar Rembang), even though he happens to be our own cadre," said Arwani.

According to Arwani, the transfer of the market must be socialized to traders and other interested parties. Efforts to socialize must be done openly.

"The change must be for the better," he urged.

Meanwhile, Burhanuddin stated that the effort to help Pasar Rembang traders was one of the mandates ordered by his late father before his death. According to Burhanuddin, his father hoped that the construction of Pasar Rembang would go well, including not harming market traders.

Representatives of P3R Bayan stated that Pasar Rembang traders refused to relocate and develop if the relocation was in a place that was empty of visitors and not strategic.

"Don't move us to the Goat Market, it's quiet there. We have been there for two years,” said Bayan.

P3R proposes to be able to stay in the location of the market to be built. If relocation must still be done, traders ask to be located to the south.

As is known, the plan to move the Rembang Market to the former location of the Goat Market which is in the west of the market has received protests from P3R. There were 10 P3R representatives who came to the Indonesian Parliament Building to meet with members of parliament, especially those from the Central Java III electoral district (Rembang, Pati, Blora, Grobogan).

Prior to the dialogue with Armani, the merchant representatives had time to communicate with the DPR Golkar Party faction (Firman Soebagyo), the DPR Democratic Party faction (Harmusa Oktaviani), the DPR PKB faction (Daniel Djohan), the Gerindra faction represented by Sudewo. The traders even participated in a dialogue with the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI, the Gerindra Faction, Ahmad Muzani.

"Alhamdulillah, far from Rembang we were received by him very well, listening to the complaints of our people who are in trouble," said P3R representative Sri Astuti.

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