SURABAYA - The survey agency Accurate Research And Consulting Indonesia (ARCI) said that the electability of the Gerindra Party is starting to approach the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ahead of the 2024 General Election at the East Java level.

"The results of the latest survey show that PKB is currently in first position, followed by PDI-P. But what is interesting is the significant increase in electability of the Gerindra Party, which is now in the top three," said ARCI Director Baihaki Sirajt during a presentation on the survey in Surabaya, Wednesday, February 16. .

In the release of ARCI in October 2021, the electability of the Gerindra Party was 13.5 percent, then in the January 2022 survey results it reached 15.2 percent.

According to him, one of the factors for increasing Gerindra's electability is the support from young people or millennials in East Java.

"Moreover, the factor of the Chairman of the East Java Gerindra DPD, Anwar Sadad, who is a representative of NU, has also made the Nahdliyyin people look at the party with a nationalist ideology," he said.

There is a very big chance that Gerindra will not only become a party in the top three, but also for the top two parties to defeat the PDI-P in East Java.

ARCI revealed that the current electability of PKB is still the highest in East Java and has experienced a slight increase.

"PDIP is starting to decline in East Java, if PKB increases slightly. The factor can be said to be the impact of the political safari from the Head of PKB in East Java," he said.

The ARCI survey was conducted on January 15-27 2022 in 38 regencies/cities of East Java with a proportional number of respondents.

This survey uses multistage random sampling with a total of 1,200 respondents, with a margin of error of three percent with a confidence level of 95 percent.

The following are the results of the ARCI survey regarding the electability of political parties in East Java:

1. PKB 23.6 percent

2. PDIP 17.1 percent

3. Gerindra 15.2 percent

4. Golkar 10.1 percent

5. Democrats 8.2 percent

6. PPP 4.7 percent

7. NasDem 4.5 percent

8. VFD 2.9 percent

9. PAN 2.8 percent

10. Perindo 1.9 percent

11. Hanura 0.5 percent

12. Work 0.3 percent

13. PSI 0.2 percent

14. PBB 0.2 percent

15. PKP 0.1 percent

16. A surge of 0.1 percent

17. Ummah Party 0.08 percent

- Not yet voted 7.52 percent.

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