JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) admits that it is concerned about the Supreme Court (MA) decision which reduces the sentence for corruption convicts / convicts. The KPK assesses that the frequent decisions that cut sentences are inappropriate.

"The tendency to reduce the sentence of each PK applicant by the Supreme Court is certainly a breath of fresh air for the corruptors," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri in his written statement, Thursday, September 10.

In fact, apart from providing a breath of fresh air, the reduction in punishment is also considered not supporting the government's efforts to eradicate corruption.

"Even so, as part of law enforcement, the KPK certainly respects the decision of the PK panel of judges," he said.

Ali then explained that there were more than 15 corruption cases handled by the KPK and then received a reduced sentence when the defendant filed a judicial review (PK).

The most recent decision was the PK proposed by the former Mayor of Cilegon Tubagus, Iman Ariyadi. In its verdict, the Supreme Court cut Tubagus Iman sentence from 2 years from 6 to 4 years.

"The KPK hopes that the Supreme Court can immediately send a copy of the decision so that we can learn more," he said.

This hope was conveyed by Ali, because there were a number of cases decided by the Supreme Court panel of judges but the files had not yet reached the KPK.

"The KPK has not received a copy so it does not know what considerations are the basis for reducing the sentence," he concluded.

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