JAKARTA - A group of workers who are members of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) will hold a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemneaker) office on Wednesday, February 16 tomorrow.

This action is a form of rejection of the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower (Permenaker) No. 2 of 2022. This Permenaker changes the rules for disbursing old-age security benefits (JHT) which can only be done when the worker is 56 years old.

KSPI President Said Iqbal said the action of thousands of workers will start at 10.00 WIB until it is finished. In addition to the Ministry of Manpower Office, the action will also be held at the BPJS Employment or BP Jamsostek office.

"The action in Jakarta tomorrow will be centered at the Ministry of Manpower office and also the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan head office or now known as BP Jamsostek," Iqbal said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, February 15.

Then, at the same time, this labor action was also held at the Office of Manpower and BPJS Employment branch offices in every region in Indonesia, both districts/cities and provinces.

Iqbal explained that the demands of the workers at tomorrow's action were to ask the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah to revoke Permenaker Number 2 of 2022.

He explained that the disbursement of JHT for workers who can only be done when they are 56 years old is very detrimental. This is because employees who leave their workplaces cannot immediately receive JHT benefits when they are not yet 56 years old.

"This old-age insurance is really needed by workers to survive because they are laid off and lose their income, or resign to want to be entrepreneurs, or retire early and spend their age in the village," said Iqbal.

In line with that, Iqbal also said that his party had written an official letter to President Joko Widodo to order Ida to revoke Permenaker Number 2 of 2020.

"This letter basically ensures that the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 2 of 2022 is revoked and the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 19 of 2015 is reinstated which allows workers or laborers to take or withdraw their JHT funds no later than one month after leaving the workplace," he explained.

Furthermore, Iqbal said that his party had other demands in tomorrow's action event. The demand is to ask President Jokowi to fire Ida from the position of Minister of Manpower because he often issues policies that harm workers.

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