SAMARINDA - The National Unity and Political Agency of East Kalimantan Province (Kesbangpol Kaltim) asked social organizations (ormas) in East Kalimantan province to help keep the situation conducive as the province was designated as the new State Capital (IKN). representatives of mass organizations, I leave a message to all mass organizations to be able to help maintain a conducive climate because East Kalimantan has been designated as IKN Nusantara," said Head of the East Kalimantan Kesbangpol Agency Sufian Agus in Samarinda, Monday 14 February. The Kutai Awakening (LKK), the Great Pledge of the East Kalimantan Community, as well as the nomination of the Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martadipura and Sultan Paser as the Head and Deputy Head of the IKN Nusantara Authority. , because the first one was built in IKN is infrastructure, so that the preparation of East Kalimantan human resources can play a role in its development.

"The economic impact of relocating IKN Nusantara is certainly very large and can accelerate the economic cycle, so that local human resources must also be prepared from now on. In addition, the social impact is also large, so we must also be vigilant and continue to maintain a conducive climate," he said. It is also reminded that conducive conditions are always maintained in welcoming the 2024 political year, namely in February of that year there will be a democratic party in the form of the election of presidential candidates and candidates for members of the DPR, 10 months later there will be regional elections to elect candidates for governors to regents/mayors. Of course the political temperature will increase, so I hope that all parties will not be easily provoked by various emerging issues, so I ask for the help of all mass organizations to jointly maintain a conducive climate," he said. He also gave high appreciation for the event initiated by the Awakening Army. Kutai (LKK) this Monday, welcomed positively and congratulated on the inauguration of the p managing LKK for the 2022-2027 period. "Congratulations on the inauguration of the LKK management for 2022-2027, hopefully they can carry out their mandate, duties and responsibilities as well as possible, so that LKK can contribute positively to development towards a safe and peaceful East Kalimantan society," said Sufian.

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