BOGOR - The Bogor City Health Office (Dinkes), West Java, recorded an increasing number of COVID-19 patients requiring hospital treatment. As a result, 21 hospitals (RS) in Bogor were asked to prepare isolation beds of at least 30 percent according to the rules.

"Hospitals must gradually provide isolation beds as needed. Currently, every day more patients are admitted to the hospital because of COVID-19," said Secretary of the Bogor City Health Office Erna Nuraena in Bogor City, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 14.

Socialization to hospitals regarding bed alertness has been carried out since the beginning of the spike in positive cases of COVID-19 in mid-January 2022. Although most of the positive cases of COVID-19 have mild symptoms, it is possible for patients with severe or critical symptoms to also increase.

In the last three days, patients with severe symptoms continued to increase. As of last Thursday, data on the occupancy of isolation beds at 21 hospitals was 39.7 percent or 318, but on Saturday, February 12, it had reached 41.7 percent or 349 of the 801 beds provided.

"This means that there have been 31 additional positive COVID-19 patients who began to experience conditions ranging from moderate, severe, to critical symptoms," he said.

This condition, he said, was influenced by the resistance of each person's body which was different when exposed to the infectious disease. People with comorbidities or comorbidities, are elderly or have not been vaccinated are indeed more prone to experiencing moderate, severe to critical symptoms, he added.

He detailed that the increase in COVID-18 patients could be seen from the availability of isolation beds in 21 hospitals for three days, from Thursday-Friday to last Saturday. Of the 74 mild symptom isolation beds already available, it has increased to 74. A total of 33.8 percent or 25 filled has increased to 44 percent so that there are 33 patients.

Likewise, moderate symptom beds with the availability of 458 units became 491 which from 40.2 percent or 173 were filled to 41.5 percent or 204.

Then, the bed with severe symptoms was still the same as 141, but from 45.4 percent filled or 64 filled, it had increased to 51.8 or 73. Meanwhile, ER beds from 71 available decreased to 68, as much as 23.8 percent or 17 filled. to 14.7 percent or 10.

Then the ICU beds which were originally 57 units have increased to 62, there are 49.1 percent or 28 filled, an increase of 46.8 percent or 29.

"From this data, the public can see the importance of prevention so that the control of COVID-19 patients who require hospital treatment is also reduced by vaccination, because even one life is valuable," said Erna Nuraena.

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