JAKARTA - Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, opened his voice about posting an image containing a photo of Indonesian President Joko Widodo and President Suharto side by side on the Instagram account of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI).

He considered YLBHI's post which saw the Wadas case and equated President Suharto with President Jokowi as a very tendentious attitude. Ngabalin asked YLBHI to open his eyes and heart in assessing the government of Indonesian President Joko Widodo. According to him, this foundation must go directly to the field to find out the facts. "If the Foundation is truly a non-profit and fights for the interests of the community, they must step down, so they know," said Ngabalin to reporters, Monday, February 14. Ngabalin then questioned whether YLBHI had given an assessment during the Soeharto era as a comparison. "All of it is bad or is there not a bit of good that Pak Harto did? Or tell him to open his eyes and heart to assess the performance of the government led by President Jokowi," said Ngabalin.

According to Ngabalin, YLBHI and related parties who have discredited President Jokowi should have been more objective and clear in their thinking and narrating the government. Does Jokowi's government have anything in common with the New Order government in the era of President Soeharto? Mainly addressing the incident in Wadas, Purworejo, Central Java.

"If he compares the Wadas case with Jokowi and Suharto, two things may be that they don't know and don't get to the field. Because as of today, the KSP team formed by Mr. Moeldoko is still in the field. So he must know exactly what is happening on the ground. In the case of Wadas in Purworejo Regency, Ngabalin assesses the importance of the role of the local government, in this case the Regent of Purworejo, who is in his area and most responsible for the Wadas case.

"If the Wadas case puts Jokowi and Pak Harto on a par, ask him, he must find out who the Regent there is, in Purworejo who is. It's too bad that the Regent can't function to handle this problem. Meanwhile, the Regent has the highest authority there," said Ngabalin. .

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