GARUT – The series of tests for the operation of the Cibatu-Garut railway line is a mandate from Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways. Tests to ensure the safety and operability of rail lines, buildings, and operating facilities.

"Currently, the safety assessment process is still being carried out by our safety and testing team to ensure the operational safety of the lanes and buildings along this route," said Director General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) Zulfikri in his statement, Sunday, February 13.

Based on the results of the safety assessment that has been carried out by the team, there are several notes that need to be followed up by the operator.

"Therefore, through this review, we want to ensure the follow-up of our team's findings, as well as monitor the results of trials that have been carried out by the operator last Friday," he said.

The trial activity referred to by Zulfikri is an infrastructure test activity carried out by KAI on Friday, February 11.

"In yesterday's test activity, we lowered the facilities in the form of one CC 206 locomotive, 4 K3 trains, and one KMP3 train with a total weight of 290 tons to ensure the capability and readiness of the infrastructure," explained Director of Operations of KAI (Persero) Heru Kuswanto.

After this series of infrastructure trials is complete, the Cibatu-Garut railway line will enter the trial and run stage.

In this trial and run stage, the Cibatu-Garut railway line will be tested using limited passenger facilities.

"This limited trial activity is a continuation of the ongoing pilotless pilot activity, as well as to test the follow-up results of the findings that have been submitted previously," he said.

Furthermore, Zulfikri explained that if the entire series of tests went smoothly without a hitch, the commercial operation stage for the general public could be carried out immediately.

"We received input from the Garut Regent that the operation of this route has been eagerly awaited by the Garut people. Therefore, we really hope that this series of trials can run smoothly so that the public can immediately take advantage of it," continued Zulfikri.

The reactivation of the 19,063 km Cibatu - Garut crossing was carried out in accordance with the spatial plan and development plan (RT/RWN, RIPN 2030) and supported by the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 50 of 2020 concerning Assignment to KAI for the Implementation of Cibatu - Garut Cross Public Railway Infrastructure .

In addition, the reactivation of this route is deemed necessary to immediately operate to support the Garut Regency Tourism Strategic Area (KSPK).

Therefore, when operating later, intermodal connectivity to and from Cibatu-Cikajang railway stations is one of the important things that will be considered to optimize tourism potential in the area.

He advised all stakeholders and the community in Garut Regency and its surroundings to support the plan to operate this route.

"We also hope that the community can be patient to wait until the entire series of trials can be completed because after all we want to ensure the safety aspects of the operation of this route later," concluded Zulfikri.

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