JAKARTA - The police suspect that the mastermind behind the murder of Vicky Firlana is someone close to him. This allegation emerged based on the results of collecting evidence and clues.

"Our suspicion is that it is in that direction (the mastermind of someone close to the victim, ed)," said the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Budhi Herdi to VOI, Saturday, February 12.

However, the parties who are strongly suspected of being the masterminds of the murder have not yet been detailed. The police are still collecting clues.

However, Budhi emphasized the suspicion of a close person as the mastermind behind the murder. Because, there is some evidence that points to it.

Moreover, the alleged motive that has been revealed from the witnesses so far is only a matter of pawning. Where, the investigative team, it is just an excuse.

"We don't believe it, (background, ed) the problem of pawning can be like this," said Budhi.

The man named Vicky Firlana (32) was found dead with two stab wounds to the stomach. Vicky's body lay at the TPU Kober, Ulujami, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 10.

In the process of handling this case, the police have arrested two perpetrators. One of them has the initials MYL.

According to the MYL perpetrator, he was ordered by someone to kill Vicky Firlana. In fact, he was promised a sum of Rp. 1 million

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