JAKARTA - Support for the TNI (Indonesian Army) Commander General Andika Perkasa to become a presidential candidate (Capres) in the 2024 Election is increasingly coming. After the Barisan Rakyat Andika President of Indonesia (Bara API), now Volunteer Andika Perkasa as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election has also declared the former Army Chief of Staff.

Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, M. Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that Andika Perkasa's chance to become a presidential candidate in 2024 remains as long as he can fulfill three things. First, Andika shortly should be able to increase his electability. This is necessary so that political parties want to carry it.

"To increase electability, Andika can make a monumental breakthrough. For example, it can resolve the conflict in Papua without violence. It could also be because it can increase the morale of soldiers like M. Yusuf did when he was Commander in Chief", Jamiluddin said in Jakarta, Friday, February 11.

Second, Andika joined a political party after retiring from the TNI. The party chosen, said Jamiluddin, should have enough seats in Senayan to be able to carry it as a presidential candidate.

Third, Andika has been diligent in roadshows from now on to mass organizations and political parties to voice her strengths and qualifications to become a presidential candidate. Meanwhile, political parties should be more open to accepting them when the support of mass organizations is very strong for Andika.

"Andika is indeed not easy to do these three things in a relatively short time. Moreover, his term of service as TNI Commander, if not extended, is only one year. With such a short time, it seems that there is not much Andika can do", said Jamiluddin.

Therefore, Jamiluddin considered that Andika's chances of becoming a presidential candidate seemed relatively small. Andika's chances are relatively open if she becomes a vice-presidential candidate, and even then if her electability climbs between 8 and 10 percent.

"To achieve such high electability is also not an easy thing for Andika. Because until now Andika's breakthrough is still flat", he concluded.

Previously, the Coordinator of Volunteers Andika Perkasa to become a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election, Boyke Djohan, admitted that his party was ready to provide even greater support for the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa.

"I think that the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa already has great political and social capital as the TNI Commander, so he deserves to run in the 2024 presidential election", Boyke told reporters, Wednesday, February 9.

He said that led by Andika Perkasa, the TNI has consistently been the most trusted institution.

"Under the leadership of General Andika Perkasa as the new Commander in Chief, the TNI has succeeded in maintaining the image of the institution most trusted by the public compared to other institutions", said Boyke.

"Well, this is a positive indication that more and more support is coming that General Andika Perkasa is also the most suitable as President to lead Indonesia", he added.

Boyke is also ready to garner popular support in all regions in 34 provinces in Indonesia.

"Indonesia is currently in dire need of a figure like General Andika", said Boyke.

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