BUKITINGGI - Mother and biological child are involved in a polemic over land ownership issues and have filed civil and criminal charges against each other at the Bukittinggi District Court and Polres.

The Bukittinggi City District Court together with the two disputing parties accompanied by their respective legal representatives attended a field trial in the case object covering an area of 4,700 square meters located in Jorong Sungai Cubadak, Nagari Tabek Panjang Baso, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Friday, January 11.

According to the statement of the mother who became the defendant in the civil case number 21/Pdt.G/2021/PN Bkt, Darlis (72), she was disappointed to be sued by her own biological child regarding the land issue which she admitted was a land grant intended for her and her brother.

"My son did not accept that I shared the land with my younger siblings, he was angry and then sued me civilly and criminally, I have also been kicked out of the house since 2019," Darlis said tearfully, quoted by Antara.

Darlis' attorney, Khairul Abbas said, in addition to the civil lawsuit which is still ongoing until the 10th trial, the child is also criminally charged with falsifying the signature of the grant statement.

"There are eight parties that are being sued by the plaintiff who are his biological children, including this mother's sister and other parties, there is also a criminal report regarding the falsification of letters," said Abbas.

He said that the eight parties who were being sued in a civil manner included Darlis as the plaintiff's mother, Ninik Mamak of the Koto Tribe who gave the grant, BPN, one of the telecommunications providers that used the land.

"For a criminal complaint, our client has gone to the Bukittinggi Police and asked for the criminal case to be temporarily suspended until the civil case is decided," said Abbas.

On the other hand, according to the child's statement, Yanti Gumala (47), she denied all the statements from her mother who said she had expelled her and wanted to imprison her.

"It is not true that I expelled my own biological mother, in fact I have repeatedly persuaded her to return home but was refused, I will not sue my biological mother directly, this is only a legal process to prove the truth," said Yanti.

He said his mother felt uncomfortable living in the old house because her mother had a new husband after her father, who was her mother's previous husband, died.

He even admitted that his mother was sued first for having rice fields on the disputed land in 2020 but was not proven guilty and was declared acquitted.

"Our basis is the sale and purchase letter in 1976 which was bought by his father and has nothing to do with his mother's brother, that's why we sued," said Yanti.

The plaintiff's attorney, Armen Bakar, said that the sale and purchase letter also stated that if the plaintiff's parents died, the land would be handed over to Yanti Gumala.

"Because the rights will be transferred to the defendant's brother, the plaintiff does not accept it, especially at the location of the land there is also the tomb of his father who is the original owner of this land," said Armen.

He added that he would not prolong the case if the mother admitted her mistake and resolved it amicably.

"Everything is just to reveal the truth, we will not prolong or imprison our own parents," he concluded.

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