MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi asked for help from community leaders and youth to socialize the dangers of spreading the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

According to Gubsu Edy, to anticipate the spread of Omicron, his office will learn from the experience of each COVID-19 case.

"This Omicron, we anticipate that we will carry out outreach and education to all of our people. Because of our great distance, through community leaders. Traditional leaders, youth leaders, of course they have a network down to the village level," said Gubsu Edy in Medan, Friday. , 11 February.

Gubsu Edy said that Forkopimda elements in North Sumatra had carried out socialization to anticipate the spread of Omicron.

With the help of community leaders, Edy Rahmayadi hopes to help the community anticipate the spread of Omicron.

"We know that Omicron is more powerful, it spreads faster than other variants. People must immediately know. The point is to anticipate this is a health protocol," he explained.

In addition, Governor Edy asked the public to carry out booster vaccinations. This is important to ensure individual resilience from COVID-19.

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