JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, said that regional head candidates have the potential to bribe the state civil servants (ASN) and the election organizers. It should be observed in the upcoming election campaign stages. 

With this bribe, usually, nobody would do or not do something that was against their obligations.

"Bribery often occurs. Election organizers or ASN at the central and regional levels are very vulnerable to being bribed by the election participants," Firli said in his written statement, Wednesday, September 9.

"The empirical data shows that most of the crimes handled by the KPK are bribery cases. In which, corruption often occurs and colors Pilkada events," he added.

He reminded that anyone who receives or gives bribes will be charged under the criminal act of corruption. "The KPK will charge both recipients and givers with Article 5 of the Corruption Act No. 20 of 2001, with a minimum imprisonment of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years and/or a fine of at least IDR 50 million and a maximum of IDR 250 million," he said.

Not only bribery, but this anti-graft agency also found ASN and election administrators vulnerable to acts of gratification. So, the state civil apparatus and election organizers who accept this must immediately report.

This report can be submitted to the KPK through the Online Gratuity Reporting application (GOL KPK). The apps can be downloaded on the Play Store or the App Store with the keyword GOL KPK. Reports can also be sent by electronic mail to [email protected] or directly to the KPK office. Besides, people can report through the Gratification Control Unit in each government agency and will be forwarded to the institution.

"For civil servants or state officials who wish to report gratifications related to their functions, duties, and positions, please access the link www.kpk.go.id/gratification or contact the Public Information Service at telephone number 198," he said.

Furthermore, Firli emphasized that if there are ASNs and election organizers who are caught accepting bribes or gratuities. Especially regarding the 2020 Pilkada from regional head candidates, the institution will not hesitate to take action.

Moreover, since the beginning, the KPK stated that they would not stop the investigation of suspected corruption cases. Including regional head candidates contesting the 2020 Pilkada.

"The election process is true in the political realm, while law enforcement is in a different domain. So, the process of law enforcement by the KPK continues and is not affected by the implementation of the elections," he concluded.

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